I have always liked elephants. They look so different than other animals and yet they seem to have a personality in so many ways. I was also challenged by the texture of their skin. This was a phun painting to do.
I have always liked elephants. They look so different than other animals and yet they seem to have a personality in so many ways. I was also challenged by the texture of their skin. This was a phun painting to do.
My nephew asked for this. I was a little reluctant because of the detail required in the grass. As I got working at it I found the movement in the grass to be more important than the detail.
Just outside of Palmyra, New York is a grove of trees. In 1820 a young man named Joseph Smith came here to pray about the truth of religion. He was visited by God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. Only the atonement and sacrifice of Jesus has impacted my life more than this event.
One of my first attempts a bead weaving. This is what you get for watching too much YouTube.
I saw this picture on a screen saver on a PC. I liked the color and the contrast between the shaded, yet colorful arch and the sun-bleached desert beyond. This was the first painting where I started to learn the texture and richness of light glaze layer over layer.
It was almost 10 years after I painted this that I learned that it is Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park.
This is my favorite painting so far. Oil still works the best for me. I like the way the colors came out. I like they way the seem to like and take care of each other.
I first encountered egrets in the swamps of Louisiana. I was amazed at how they can live in all that slimy goo and remain so pure white. An egret is an elegant bird even in the way it flys.
This painting I did for a friend. His family has a ranch which stands at the view point for this picture. I enjoy the colors and contrast of a late day in central Utah.