I liked painting this because of the colors. However, to be honest I have not seen this blue in the Netherlands very often.
But there are flowers, windmills and water. Lots of water.
I liked painting this because of the colors. However, to be honest I have not seen this blue in the Netherlands very often.
But there are flowers, windmills and water. Lots of water.
Scotland is one of my favorite places to visit. I know that it rains a lot. On one trip I had not seen blue sky for days. I finally started taking pictures of patches of blue when they would appear.
Scotland is about green and water. Yet in the fall all that green turns to color. The rain cleans the air and washes the plants and land to make the whole thing very bright when the sun does shine. I painted this picture because it is so fresh and washed and colorful.
I have always liked herons, egrets and other wading birds. They have such amazing feathers and yet stay so clean in some of the messiest environments.
One thing that this painting does not share is how large these birds actually are. It is also interesting how they fly so low along the water among the weeds that you frequently hear them flying by without being able to see them.
I just enjoyed painting the feathers. I like the rich colors and the textures.
I am not sure who is the star of this painting, the bird or the log.
Still working on my watercolors. The shape turned out easier than getting the smooth surface of the petals right.
A good friend thought it was a rose made of prosciutto.
A “Hawaiian Cardinal” that we saw on Oahu. It really is a Brazilian Taneger that came to Hawaii quite some time ago. We found him in the parking lot outside of a Kentucky Fried Chicken. My wife took the picture and I painted him in our granddaughter Tansy’s hospital room. She like to watch me paint when she was too sick to do anything else.
One of the things that I miss about moving back to Utah is the cardinals and the fireflies. Little bursts of brightness.
Just a little puff of blue feathers.
I saw this picture on a screen saver on a PC. I liked the color and the contrast between the shaded, yet colorful arch and the sun-bleached desert beyond. This was the first painting where I started to learn the texture and richness of light glaze layer over layer.
It was almost 10 years after I painted this that I learned that it is Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park.